Excess of Pessimism, Don’t be a Financial Hypochondriac
the United States today, we have more than our share of nattering nabobs of negativism. They have formed their own 4-H club
-- the hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history." The above is a famous quote
from 1970, an excerpt from a speech written by then Nixon speechwriter William
Safire, spoken by Vice President, Spiro Agnew about the media.
“If its individual citizens, to a man, are to be
believed, [America] always is depressed, and always is stagnated, and always is
at an alarming crisis, and never was otherwise.”
-Charles Dickens in 1844.
-Charles Dickens in 1844.
Is there really a valid reason to be pessimistic, or is it just
a normal state of human nature? Is our
current situation really that bad? Is the world really facing impending doom? Or have we become a nation/world
of financial Hypochondriacs.
In his book, “Upside: Surprising
Good News About The State Of The World.", Bradley Wright tells us that
while we are generally optimistic about our individual futures, we are
bombarded with “news” from “prophets of doom” about the world in general.
“Forecasting doom is a viable career strategy, complete with strong book sales,
frequent media appearances, and the occasional Nobel Prize.”, he says. Such “prophets of doom” have been at it for
hundreds of years. For example, in 1766, Malthus predicted that the human
population would continue to grow until it exceeded the availability of natural
resources needed to keep humans alive—in other words, we would run out of food. Instead, the world is getting more obese
every year—despite there being more than 6 billion of us, we have too much food!
Remember that it was predicted that all the computers would stop at the Y2K
date—it did not happen. We were told the world would end if S&P downgraded
the US’s credit rating—interest rates did not rise—they went down to record
levels as people all over the world want to lend money to the “downgraded” US
With the explosion of media sources,
it has only gotten worse as one way to gain attention is to exaggerate the
negative. We have little “news” today
from the media and way too much opinion.
Pundits don’t report that markets fell, instead they tell us they plunged. Instead of opinions of what is most likely—we
get a steady stream of what extreme negative outcomes might be possible.
We don’t talk about a debate and conflict about tax policy—we are told there is
a fiscal “cliff” that we might fall off of. Every organization or government that has
excess debt is a potential “Lehman Moment” likely to escalate into worldwide
financial ruin. (An interesting fact is that if you simply ignored the real “Lehman
Moment”; Lehman Brothers bankruptcy on 9/15/2008, and owned the S&P500,
your investment would today be 9.4% HIGHER. If you had bought the S&P500
the day before the TARP bailout was approved in October 2008, your investment
would today be 25% higher.)
The media pundits throw out
outrageous headlines so we pay attention to the advertising that follows and
don’t change the channel. The average person just does not have the time to
sift through this hyperbole to get the real facts. (I now have to spend a lot
more time sifting through “information” sources to make any sense from it.
There is a lot more “noise”. ) With so
many terrible outcomes “possible” many people conclude maybe “where there’s
smoke there’s probably fire—so I’ll just do nothing and sit this one out”. Indeed,
that seems to be the most common reaction as people and corporations hoard cash
and “conservative” investments like T-Bills paying less than 1%. (“I’m not
making anything but it’s not going down” is a common thought.) Earlier, I
mentioned Bradley Wright’s conclusion that people are generally optimistic
about their individual futures—but it turns out there is a paradoxical
“optimism gap”. Most people are generally pessimistic about other people’s
future and the world in general.
Admittedly, there is a clear economic slowdown occurring in
parts of Europe. This will and does
effect the US and Chinese economies by reducing exports to Europe. The falling Euro currency exchange rate does
in fact make US based global businesses less profitable. Admittedly, there is political turmoil in the
US regarding taxes and government spending.
While there is a potential for real drama, the worst case scenario is so
improbable, worrying about it is like worrying about a global pandemic or a
massive life-extinction asteroid strike. Yet, an
unhealthy obsession on low probability events is what markets have succumbed to
over the last three years. Good news is
being dismissed as irrelevant and bad news gets most of the attention. If we let such negativity affect other parts
of our lives, we would become agoraphobic, never venturing out into the “risky”
Let’s focus on just a few bits of good news: This quarter, ATT reported best profits from
wireless phones—ever. Boeing increased its guidance for future earnings from
airplane sales. Caterpillar raised its guidance with revenues up 21% year over
year. Amazon intends to open 12-18 new fulfillment centers over the next year—almost
doubling their present number. These companies are financial bell-weathers. Mortgage rates are lower than ever and home
sales are rising so fast that sales are constrained by low inventory! We are on
pace to produce and sell 81 million cars and trucks worldwide—a new
record. (More in China than in the
US.) I agree with Caterpillar’s CEO who
said, “It does not feel like 2008”.
Excess pessimism causes stock markets to be undervalued and
creates big opportunities for investors.
Over the past year international stocks (EAFE) are down 18.74%. The broad range of US equities, including Mid
and Small Cap US stocks (Russell 2000) is down 6.73%. The Global Developed World Index is down
11.62% Only large cap US stock indexes are up for the last 12 months—but not by
much with the S&P500 up 0.45% and the DOW 30 up 1.4%. Yet during this same period, Caterpillar
experienced a 21% increase in revenue and Boeing got lots of orders for new
I do see great risks regarding short term market levels. But, I
also see a more likely scenario of time proving that stock markets are
presently undervalued significantly.
Energy, Health Care, and Necessities are the themes for future
growth. Do not underestimate the fact
that the number of “middle income” consumers worldwide is growing rapidly.
I think the most likely scenario in Europe is that they will do
the very least that is necessary—but still they will do what is necessary to
avoid the worst case. The ECB has the ability to solve the crisis—only political
haggling over political philosophy delays the final solution. (It is highly
likely that Greece will exit the Euro Zone with a great deal of teeth gnashing
and hand wringing, but what is necessary to stabilize Spain and Italy will be
done with a high degree of certainty.) Europe will continue to prosper and will
become significantly more competitive with a weaker currency and lower cost
labor from their southern tier countries—Italy, Spain and even Greece. (It may
turn out that the lower cost labor results from a mass migration of unemployed
labor from the south taking jobs in the north—it is already happening for white
collared professionals.)
I think that transportation costs will likely rise and there
will be sufficient automation improvements to cause a great deal of manufacturing
to return to the US—causing a substantial expansion. I think the US housing
situation has bottomed and will begin to expand faster (no longer slower) than
the rate of new household creation. I think taxes and interest rates will
rise. I don’t think that these trends
will be affected by who controls the White House or Congress. Who controls the White House and Congress
will not determine a positive or negative outcome—simply the magnitude of the
positive outcome—and which part of the population gets the most benefit from
I think US politicians of both parties will do the very least
that is necessary to compromise—but will still do what is necessary to avoid
the worst case. Sooner or later taxes will go up and deficits will go down as the
cost of servicing debt with rising interest rates will become more significant.
As interest rates rise, more US debt
will be held by US citizens, many of who are retired who will plow the income
back into the economy.
Political haggling in Europe and the US has been going on for
hundreds of years—you can’t sit on the sidelines just because politicians are
fighting and haggling. Capitalism has and will continue to prosper, despite
I think that the growth of the middle income population in the
emerging markets of Brazil, China and India will be phenomenal. Along with
improvements in communication technology, this theme is probably more
significant and will affect us more than the industrial revolution and railroads
affected the world in the 1800’s.
Keep in mind that investing requires patience and a focus on
long term value. And, without income
over the long term from investing, it takes a lot more money to support a
comfortable retirement. Also keep in mind that your investment portfolio is
always subject to short term risks and fluctuations.
Always remember that on any given day, half the participants
engaged in short term stock market transactions are wrong as the market moves the
next day in the opposite direction they expected. It is those that predict the
long term direction of stock markets that have a much higher probability of
being right.
My advice—be cautiously optimistic and take advantage of price
levels of great, well capitalized companies that seem quite attractive. My long
term indicators are 80% green. (They have not been this high since 2010.) The
higher your tolerance for short term risk and fluctuation, the more patience
you have, the higher your exposure to global stock markets should be. (Heed all
the warnings in the disclosure below.)
I wrote this in 2010—it is on our website, www.waynestrout.com. It is still valid.
“Ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden, Life has been uncertain,
difficult and dangerous. Uncertainty, difficulty and danger will continue to
exist. Some will be able to recognize opportunities despite such danger and
difficulty and will prosper mightily. Others will simply adopt proven
strategies to survive and prosper reasonably in a changing world where the
future will always be uncertain. In the longer run, the future is seldom as bad
as the pessimist believes, nor as good as the optimist predicts.”
------ Wayne Strout, 2010
This paper is for educational purposes
and for the sake of discussion. It is not a sales presentation and not a
recommendation or personal investment advice. Opinions provided are exclusively
those of Wayne Strout and are not the opinions by any financial institution.
All investing involves significant risk of loss and there is no proven method
to eliminate that risk. No investment should be made without a complete due
diligence process, fundamental analysis and a discussion with your personal
financial advisor.